Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cognitive learning processes

Learning starts as soon as a child is born.Once the child starts walking their expectations of a whole new world will astound them and make them want to explore everything that is around them. Cognitive learning has three perspectives that enable the brain to mold itself. Behaviorism,social cognitive theory, and cognitive psychology. When learn a new idea or problem when we associate it with something else that we understood. A teacher can inspire her students by adding new material and use methods used in her class earlier that helped students to learn it. Ask questions such as How do you relate to this problem or how would you solve it? A teacher can also use visual aids and student interaction to retain the material learned. What cognitive processes seem to hamper students learning at an early age?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Information processing theory

I understood the chapter that we read on information processing.Short term memory relates to what we are thinking about at any given moment in time. Long term memory also called conscious and unconscious memory can be triggered by an event or location. I relate to this chapter because I understand how a computer processes input. A computer can easily recall any information that is requested because it is saved in memory. In that way our brain is similar but we cant hold vast amounts of data because short term memory is easily forgotten and long term memory is recalled by an event image or situation. Things a teacher can do so the students retain focused on the material include, walk around the classroom, review assignments and coursework in different ways so students will not get bored easily, and let students interact with one another as student teachers.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Social cognitive theory

In his famous "Bobo doll" studies, Bandura proved that children learn and imitate actions they have observed in other people. The children in Bandura’s studies witnessed an adult acting aggressively toward a Bobo doll. When the children were later allowed to play in a room with the Bobo doll, they began to imitate the aggressive actions they had previously observed. This observational learning can then manifest itself later on in life as the children become adults. For example, if an adult is smoking and drinking around his children then those same effects will be seen as the child progresses. Constant bad habits’ and unfavorable actions will pose a risk to any child once that action has been done. Another example is when a young child learns the f word or any negative comment they randomly picked up as they played with their toys. Thus, observational learning occurs when a person watches other people’s behaviors and the reinforcements associated with those behaviors .Another example is when a teacher reinforces her strategy for solving a problem .As the student learns how to solve that problem in the future that student will use that same strategy to solve problems. As a result we need to control our actions around our children because they will mimic us down the road as they grow up.It is also important for our children too have good role models because they in turn lead by example.

Which of the theories seemed most appealing to you? Why?

Which theories seemed too complex or confusing? Why?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Learning and Cognition

Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavolov, classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.This kinds of reactions are triggered by a certain smell,sound or even an image.For example, I can remember the taste of a cookie still made today that my grandma would always give me. Now everytime I go and purchase those cookies my thoughts are sent back to my childhood memories. A classical condition can be used in a classroom by the teacher as she tries to assert herself during the first month of school.