Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Learning and Cognition

Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavolov, classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.This kinds of reactions are triggered by a certain smell,sound or even an image.For example, I can remember the taste of a cookie still made today that my grandma would always give me. Now everytime I go and purchase those cookies my thoughts are sent back to my childhood memories. A classical condition can be used in a classroom by the teacher as she tries to assert herself during the first month of school.


  1. Your comment was very easy to understand. I had a slight problem understanding some of the learning processes which the chapter discussed. I like the way you explain the way stimulus works. It helped me to understand it much better than I did last night. Thanks!

  2. As I was reading your example, I could almost smell and taste my Granny's peanut butter cookies made with homemade peanut butter. I suddenly realized I was more relaxed and smiling. Thanks!!!

  3. Ernie – you make an excellent point here when you say “A classical condition can be used in a classroom by the teacher as she tries to assert herself during the first month of school.” Classical conditioning can be most important as a teacher introduces his/her rules, classroom procedures and student expectations. My first week of school normally involves going over classroom rules, classroom procedures and then having students practice those procedures until they become second nature. The key though is to remain consistent to the conditioning that the teacher gives his/her student. If the teacher constantly changes the classroom expectations, then the conditioning done at the beginning of school simply confuses the students.

  4. Ernie, you made me think of some of my childhood memories, that included, smells, sounds, and items. In a classroom, you do condition the students with the behavior management that you implement in your room. At first the students do not know how to act, but with reinforcement, they are soon trained to behave as you need to teach them.
